Peace that surpasses

Peace that surpasses

Well I’d be lying if I told you the thought of brain cancer and brain surgery didn’t scare me a bit. Just a few days ago I had a weird headache and tomorrow morning, surgery! 

philippians 4:7 has always been an important passage to me and it always has a way of speaking life a bit differently into each situation. This time is no different. 

I have heard from hundreds of you and to hear that my faith has encouraged you is seriously humbling. You see, I am far from perfect, I say bad things at wrong times, I think horrible thoughts at times. I don’t always honor my wife, I sometimes treat my children poorly, I don’t always lead a pure life. I am flawed. I’m a disappointment, but I’m forgiven!

Your words of encouragement and faith drive me. I want to be better. I want to see people meet and love Christ. Although I’m not perfect, I am redeemed. My father in heaven loves me for me. Wretched old me. He sees’s the good now and the good to come.  

He see’s the same in you. He loves you. If this were the last blog I would ever write (not my plan) I want you to know God has so much for you. There isn’t an ocean deep enough to carry His love  for you. If you’ve never fully given your life, I mean abandon it completely to Him, I would pray you would. Even with all my flaws, I’m amazed how much he’s done for me and as a result for you reading this. You’ll never be the same. I can’t imagine anything else. I have the greatest wife in the world who was made just for me!! I have two incredible children who love Jesus. I have countless friends and family around me. 

My friend…. that is peace that surpasses understanding. Here’s the deal, I’m gonna give the devil a piece of my mind tomorrow and it can go to hell where it belongs. Cancer has no place in my body and it must go in Jesus name!! Thank you God for healing! Thank you God for freedom! Thank you God for faith. Thank you for helping my unbelief! I love you Lord with all my heart, mind and soul and I love all of you all as well. 

Do me a great honor. Stand strong in Him, proclaim #Godsgotthis 


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