Mark 4:6 (NLT)
But the plant soon wilted under the hot sun, and since it didn’t have deep roots, it died.
In my devotion time today, I have been hearing the word Rooted. I’ve talked a lot about our New.. Trusting in God.. Living for God.. but are you rooted??
Interesting to me how our culture changes so much. I did a google search for “What does rooted mean” and all the first things that came up are about phones and modern technology.. the word definition has changed a bit.. so let’s see what the first definition was on Google:
Root: Rooting means you have root access to your device—that is, it can run the sudo command, and has enhanced privileges allowing it to run apps like Wireless Tether or SetCPU. You can root either by installing the Superuser application or by flashing a custom ROM that includes root access.
Wow.. not what I was expecting as the first definition, but let’s DIG into it a bit.
Run Sudo commands.
sudo (/ˈsuːduː/ or /ˈsuːdoʊ/) is a program for Unix-like computer operating systems that allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another user, by default the superuser.
So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” (2 Corinthians 5:20)
Isn’t it incredible that if we are rooted in Christ.. we have enhanced privileges? Tapped into the “Superuser” application gives us root access.
Okay.. enough computer lingo.. it gives me a headache. My question to myself and hopefully you is.. are you rooted?? It is one thing to be planted and another to be rooted. Just planted means that when the sun beats down or the rains come in like a flood.. it can kill!! But if we are rooted.. when the heat is on.. when the enemy comes in like a flood.. we may get burned.. it may feel like we are drowning.. but if our roots go deep.. we will live!!
I desire to be rooted deeper this year. I wanted to see what is necessary for healthy roots and I found:
So how do you get a good root system? Remember seven words: “Healthy, deep soil. Adequate moisture and nutrients.” If everything you do in your garden works toward that, your plants should thrive.
God’s divine design works. I want to be rooted in healthy deep soil. It starts with Christ, a good home (Oikos) and a strong healthy church family on mission.. they, as well as my own personal hunger and thirst for my King help provide adequate moisture and nutrients. Showers of prayer.. the rain of His presence, the nutrients from his Word and the washing of His Water.
God I want to be rooted like never before! As we face many coming issues in our country and the winds begin to blow like they never have before and storms come in like a flood in 2016, may we be rooted. God, I thank you for so many examples you have given us since the beginning of time of your love for us and ultimately the price Jesus paid for us. May 2016 be a year of strong roots my friends.. and hey.. remember #GodsGotThis
AMEN! Pastor Matt. The HOLY SPIRIT has led you to write a message that IS SO RIGHT ON TIME & NEEDED.
Not surprising…. 😀