Living Your Legacy Written by Matt Crump S&W Music 2017

2 Timothy 2:2 English Standard Version (ESV)

2 and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men,[a] who will be able to teach others also.


I was recently inspired to think about legacy through a conversation I was having with my son. We were talking about all the things we have been able to do and see over the past few years together and some of the experiences that go along with those moments.

It made me camp out at the word LEGACY.

Legacy comes from the Latin verb, legare “to appoint by a last will, send as an ambassador.” Originally, the noun meant “ambassador” or “envoy” but soon shifted to mean the money and property a person leaves behind in his will. Many university scholarships are funded by the legacies of former students. In recent usage, political leaders are said to be concerned with their legacies, the historically significant achievements of their tenure in office.

Obviously, I’m more concerned in this blog about the legacy like “send as an ambassador” or “historically significant achievements“.

There is no doubt that handling your finances well and being able to leave behind a blessing is important, but it’s only part of the story.. money can’t buy everything.

I am challenged to live a life that is worthy of someone’s respect and a life that is something more than just me.. but an ongoing work or mission.

I strive to live a life and give a legacy my children can hold onto and do the same for theirs. A life that inspires others to live for more than themselves and make a difference.

My ultimate example is Jesus Christ. The way he lived, talked, thought and focused on mission all the while being for and about others is a legacy I want to cherish, honor and live out.

I want to encourage you to live a life worth imitating.. not just now, but 100 years from now.  A life remembered… I don’t need someone just to remember my name.. but if someone can carry the passion and pass that on and build on it for generations.. That is success.. That is legacy.

Live a life of legacy today my friends and in all you do.. never forget… #GodsGotThis

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