Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4 ESV


One of my favorite life scriptures is Psalm 37:4. It has spoken so much to me over the years. When I first came to Christ, my life was a mess. Alcohol, drugs, women.. you get the picture, I needed a rescue!!

He delivered me and set me free from all of that and all the extras that would go with it. That is not what this short blog is about today.

It is about how that scripture spoke to me in a different way.

I sat in a room with my doctor after trying all kinds of treatments to defeat this cancer in my body (Melanoma).  Everything we tried wasn’t really working and the side affects were no fun either!

Without any treatment and just hoping for the best, with the understanding of the type of cancer I have, she said you could probably expect about 8 months.

Those were 2 words I needed to hear, but didn’t want to hear AT ALL!

Well, as you can see, that was about 11 months ago now and I’m still here!! A total miracle and proof that #GodsGotThis!!

“But Matt, you still have cancer” That’s true, but it doesn’t have me! My doctor never said you have 8 months to die… she said to LIVE!

I choose LIFE!

God said in this scripture today He would give us the desires of our heart. Since I already know he never promises tomorrow, my goal is not just to be cancer free and live, it is to live for impact.

Every moment counts. I delight in Him. He set me free and continues to set me free. He can do the same for you!!

We all have one life to live on this planet and that life is TODAY! How you live it is up to you.

I have and will continue to seek Him. I want to be a light for Him and hope that somehow, what I experience in life helps YOU.

You can do the same thing. Delight in him. Seek Him and He WILL give you the desires of your heart!!

I’ve am in overtime now and to say I love every minute of it wouldn’t be true, but to be grateful for it, to understand the gift in it is beyond any little blog can hold.

I want to encourage you today, that regardless of what you are going through, choose life. Choose to live and live it out loud. He wants to give you the desires of your heart! So, don’t you ever forget (me too)….


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